Overall stats about Goal 14 in Sweden
3 / 10

targets with data available for at least one indicator

3 / 10

indicators with data available for Sweden

indicator coverage for Goal 14 in Sweden


Sweden currenty has data on these targets for Goal 14.

Target 14.1

0/1 covered

Target 14.2

0/1 covered

Target 14.3

0/1 covered

Target 14.4

1/1 covered

Target 14.5

1/1 covered

Target 14.6

1/1 covered

Target 14.7

0/1 covered

Target 14.a

0/1 covered

Target 14.b

0/1 covered

Target 14.c

0/1 covered

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Detta är en global indikator. Indikatorn ska mäta hur hållbart världens fiske är. Ett fiskbestånd som fiskas på eller över MSY (maximalt hållbart uttag, maximum sustainable yield, Ices 2016) klassificeras som biologiskt hållbart.

Method of computation

No method of computation reported
