Goal 10 Reduced inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries
6 / 10
targets with data available for at least one indicator
8 / 16
indicators with data available for Sweden
indicator coverage for Goal 10 in Sweden
Sweden currenty has data on these targets for Goal 10.
Target 10.1
1/1 covered
Target 10.2
2/3 covered
Target 10.3
0/1 covered
Target 10.4
2/2 covered
Target 10.5
1/1 covered
Target 10.6
0/1 covered
Target 10.7
1/4 covered
Target 10.a
0/1 covered
Target 10.b
1/1 covered
Target 10.c
0/1 covered
Explore all indicators
Use the Goal Tracker data dashboard to explore the Goal 10 indicators for Sweden.
Start exploringAverage change (percent) in the average income of women and men
Income (Wealth)
Bottom 40% of population
Top 60% of population
Income (Wealth)
Bottom 40% of population
Top 60% of population
Indikatorn tas fram för att mäta hur inkomstutvecklingen ser ut bland de 40 procent av befolkningen som har lägst inkomst, och om dessa närmar sig resterande delar av befolkningen, det vill säga de 60 procent av befolkningen med högst inkomst.
Method of computation
No method of computation reported